Traceability.Email by GlobalAutoID
GlobalAutoID: Global Automation & Identification Group
Open for Business | New & Notable | April 14, 2020

Open for Business | New & Notable | April 14, 2020

This week’s edition takes a look at how some of our solutions partners are operating during the coranavirus pandemic, and what they want GlobalAutoID to convey to their customers & potential customers during these challenging times. 

New & Notable is a weekly series covering the news, announcements, and product highlights of our solutions partners, as well as other companies with something new and interesting to share. Our focus is on vision, inspection, and automation solutions for the automotive, aerospace, electronics, medical, and consumer packaging industries.  

For everything referenced in this week's edition, and to subscribe to New & Notable, visit  Follow us on Twitter at GlobalAutoID, and on LinkedIn by visiting

First, a message from GlobalAutoID.

Coronavirus & Your Business: Let Us Help You. 

COVID-19 has changed how all businesses are doing business.  Trade shows and in-person meetings are impossible right now. Uncertainty is driving operational and financial decisions. Where many businesses are finding they can shift their business development, sales, and marketing teams to all-virtual and remote working, our new economic landscape is full of challenges and risk, but is also full of opportunities to be discovered. 

What can GlobalAutoID do for you? 

  • We can facilitate meetings between potential buyers and solutions providers or vendors who have missed connecting with each other. 

  • We can brief you about resources and solutions you missed seeing at a trade show. 

  • We can help plan your future events attendance, post-coronavirus. 

  • We can help solutions providers with a post-coronavirus marketing strategy. 

  • And we can help solutions and components purchasers with a post-coronavirus purchase evaluation plan or RFP strategy. 

Whether you are looking to acquire solutions for your manufacturing process, laboratory, or supply chain — or you are a solutions provider looking for customers — Global Automation & Identification Group can help you navigate and thrive in this quickly evolving business world. 

For our solutions partner, iTRACE Technologies, operating during the pandemic is pretty much business as usual. 

Since 2015, iTRACE has operated a virtual office and infrastructure.  They use for client facing calls and, Skype or Cisco Webex teams for internal support and development communications. 

Their hours of operation are normal Pacific Daylight Time business hours, and always respond to new opportunities as soon as possible.  The biggest change iTRACE has noted is the lack of travel to see clients in-person, but note that the time they have gained from not traveling has allowed them to focus even more on clients and the details of their projects. 

Our solutions partner, CCS, has been continuing operations as normal and  getting shipments in from Japan a few times a week. 

There has not been a reduction in their working hours or any change to their shipping terms, which are next day to one week delivery on standard orders, and 2 or more weeks on custom lights. 

CCS has been using Microsoft Team meetings for training and virtual meetings. 

Their regional, inside, and application sales team are working normal business hours and are responding to any and all requests that come in. 

And, the CCS lab is available as always to test any applications the customer needs. 

And closing today’s edition, our solutions partner, Barcom, wants you to know that they are here for you. 

Barcom is considered an essential business, serving the supply chain that supports other essential businesses in their home state of Tennessee and throughout the United States.   

Much of the work they do was already performed electronically, so the impact on their customer base has been minimal. 

In addition to phone support, Barcom can provide technical assistance using video and remote device technology which eliminates the need to go onsite unless absolutely necessary. 

To learn more about GlobalAutoID’s solutions partners, visit

This has been New & Notable for April 14th.  Be sure to return next week for news and highlights from our solutions partners and other companies. 

To subscribe to New & Notable, visit  Follow us on Twitter at GlobalAutoID, and on LinkedIn by visiting

New & Notable is produced and presented by James D Kirk for Global Automation & Identification Group.  Thank you for your time and attention, be well and have a successful week.  

Traceability.Email by GlobalAutoID
GlobalAutoID: Global Automation & Identification Group
Information on track-and-trace from Global Automation & Identification Group